Author: |
CeltíberoMordred |
Webmaster, Advertising & Programming: |
CeltíberoAlioven |
Support: |
Clan Celtíberos, the .Net, the .Org |
German Translation: |
CeltíberoSkull |
Italian Translation: |
CeltíberoKoln |
Map Creation: |
CeltíberoLoky, CeltíberoIdibil, Karmipoka |
Historical Battles: |
CeltíberoIdibil, Karmipoka |
Historical Campaign: |
Karmipoka |
Army Builder Tool: |
[FF]Almircar |
Historical Documentalist and Researcher: |
CeltíberoLion, CeltíberoIdibil |
The authors wish to thank the support, suggestions, tests and cheers
received from different players and groups during the development of this project,
which is still unfinished. Our special mention to all those who
have downloaded the Mod, we wish you enjoy it.
Thanks very much to all you!